i wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before(我想像我祖先一样骑马奔驰)
and i wanna good mount when the bugle sounds and i hear the cannons"s roar(在号角发令,火炮轰鸣时,我想要一匹好马)
i wanna be in the cavalry if i must go off to war(若我必须去打仗,我想当骑兵)
i wanna horse in the volunteer force that"s riding forth at dawn(我想加入骑兵志愿军,在破晓出征)
please save for me some gallantry that will echo when i"m gone(请让我留下些豪言壮志在我走后回荡)
and i beg of you sarge let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn(我恳求军士在战线排开时让我带领冲锋)
and lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they"ll remember loud and long(至少让我留下一声响亮的马蹄声)
i"d not a good foot soldier make, i"d be sour and slow at march(我不是个好的步兵,我行军总是落后)
and i"d be sick on a navy ship, and the sea would leave me parched(在海军军舰上我头晕,海水还让我口干)
but i"ll be first i