一个记者急切地询问弗兰克:“frank, do you have anything to say about the accident just now(弗兰克,你对于刚才事情有什么想说的?)”
弗兰克闻言,哪顾得上以往营造的人设,扯着嗓子疯狂大喊:“there is a conspiracy someone wants to harm me i request the organizing mittee to inspect the racing car”
弗兰克还在不停地叫屈:“the championship should be mine george raville has a problem he snatched my championship away”
一个记者当即追问:“mr frank, do you mean that george raville has something to do with the tire loss of your racing car”
组委会的工作人员实在忍无可忍,大声反驳道:“you had already been half a lap behind george before the accident! don"t slander others!(你出事前已经被乔治甩开了半圈!不要污蔑人!)”